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Olive Oil (19)
An Olive Tasting Presentation
The bitter olive is artfully cured in many creative ways to offer all types of tasty olives. Join Rabbi Chana Gans for a tasting presentation on how he produces his own line of delicious olives and shares his experience in olive curing.
Why Olives Are the Ultimate Jewish Fruit
After tracing the origins and relevance of the New Year for Trees, Rabbi Kaplan explores the special significance of the bitter olive and its profound symbolism for us to persevere and flourish as Jews.
For the Haftarah of the First Day of Sukkot, From the Teachings of the Rebbe
The greats of past generations served G-d through intellect, but it is we who will bring Moshiach through our unquestioning faith.
Long before the ancient Greeks, the Bible recorded that the dove brought an olive branch to the ark.
While every day is a struggle, we are able to make the best of it by realizing that there is a positive purpose to what we are going through.
Hands-On Demonstration
Children participate in a hands-on demonstration of how to make olive oil to light the menorah on Chanukah. A workshop by Rabbi Michoel Albukerk from Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops
There is no doubt that these flames are telling a story. The real question is, are we listening?
When Golda Meir famously joked that the Jewish people had managed, after forty years of wandering, to end up in the only country in the Middle East with no oil, she was only partially right...
When sharing the hopelessness of our condition, our goal should never be to depress or intimidate our prospect. To the contrary, our true message is the testimony of how G‑d ultimately transformed our own chaotic existence into a more meaningful life...
Imagine the invading Greek army entering the Holy Temple where gold, silver and precious stones were everywhere to be found, and searching for the... oil!
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