
Gimmel Tammuz

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Gimmel Tammuz: The anniversary of passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of righteous memory (b. 1902), who passed away in the early morning hours of the 3rd of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, of the year 5754 from creation (1994).
This year, 3 Tammuz is observed on Tuesday, July 9, 2024
VIDEO Yechidus—Return of the Souls A community’s visit to the resting place of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of Lubavitch on his fifth yahrzeit, Tammuz 3, 5759—June 17, 1999 MORE INFORMATION Yahrtzeit Observances A public letter written by the R...
Resources and Customs for this Date
The Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—passed away on the third day of the Jewish month of Tammuz in the year 5754 from creation (June 12, 1994). Traditionally, this is a day for reflection, learning, prayer, recommitment and, above a...
Perspectives on the Rebbe’s Impact
“The Rebbe didn't leave a legacy; he left marching orders”
The word tzaddik is usually applied exclusively to saintly leaders, but the Rebbe applied it to everyone.
Barely thirteen years old, standing on the newly built balcony outside Lubavitch World Headquarters under the ominously dark skies emitting an avalanche of rain upon those of us below...
It is the third of Tammuz, the anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing, and I find myself reflecting on the meaning of the day, desperately searching for answers to questions that still remain, unanswered . . .
Its a mitzvah to imitate our creator. We also try to imitate a Rebbe, teacher or mentor. A chasid tries to acquire at least some measure of his Rebbe's personality and character. This class tries to give us an observation of one measure of the Rebbe's qua...
Rabbi Kaplan explains what happens when the soul leaves the body and the concept of a Yahrtzeit. How is it that Chabad copes after the 3rd of Tamuz -- the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of blessed memory. What is the significance of the passing of a tz...
One does not need an elaborate introduction to what is essentially his. Just tell her about the Shabbos candles, the Rebbe seemed to be saying, and she will recognize the mitzvah as her own...
We really should not have to die at all, despite Adam's sin. And G-d, so to speak, is sensitive to this. It "embarrasses" Him...
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