
Soul, The

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Practical consequences of what it means to be human
We are not our bodies, nor even our brains. We are our souls. Drawing on years of experience working with families, the elderly and the mentally impaired, as well as his knowledge of Jewish mystical teachings, Rabbi Lipskar argues that we must stop thinki...
with Chaya Teldon
The topic of the soul is a true mystery, as it relates to things of the spirit which cannot be felt in a tangible way. Yet it is very much a reality in our belief system.
with DovBer Pinson
What does Judaism say about the soul and where it comes from? Why do we have a soul and what is it meant to accomplish. Rabbi DovBer Pinson helps us better understand this esoteric topic.
Tommy and the Human Spark
Tommy‘s basketball coach shows him that hatred and anger gets him nowhere, but seeing the spark inside another person could change the world.
Oftentimes, taking on more religious actions and worrying about reward and punishment fill the contemporary Jewish rhetoric. But there are fundamentals that run deeper and embolden our unique personal value, self-development, and loving bond with G-d. In ...
Access your deepest soul powers and enhance your relationships.
Accounts of souls returning to Earth to assist others and complete their mission.
Every Jew possesses a divine soul, which is called a Neshamah. How do we access the soul within us? This lecture presents a closer look into the inner workings of the soul based on the teachings of Kabbala as elucidated in chassidus.
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