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Kabbalistic Cosmology
A kabbalistic answer to the age-old philosophical question, "How can a finite creation come into existence from an infinite Creator?" A basic introduction to the esoteric doctrines of "tzimtzum" and "hishtalshelut."
Ki Tisa Parshah Report
Gefilte Fish gives an in-depth analysis of the Golden Calf, explains the importance of not worshipping idols, and complains about the lack of Fresca in the IKS studio.
Why Hashem wants us to access Infinity through a finite world experience. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 19 Devarim)
Analysis of a Discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Unraveling the paradoxes of a biblical verse reveals a spiritual path via which we can reach infinitude, not despite our finitude, but because of our finitude. Based on the discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe beginning with the verse ‘The number of the Isr...
The Natural and the Miraculous
Which is greater, the natural or the miraculous? Rabbi Freeman charts the development of a kabbalistic doctrine from the Ari, to the RaSHaB to the Rebbe.
The world was created by G-d, Who is infinite. It follows then, that in every single creation there must be evidence of the artisan who created it. It must contain some resemblance to its Creator’s infiniteness.
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