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Passover: (a) The seven-day festival (eight in the Diaspora) beginning on 15 Nissan, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt; (b) the sacrifice offered on the eve of that holiday during Temple times.
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Your one-stop primer on Passover’s rituals, history, meaning, and more.
How many of these important Passover facts do you know?
A special Passover class that illuminates the inner freedom we experience in commemorating the Exodus on the Seder night. Learn practical tools to experience real freedom every day of your life.
On Passover we celebrate the Exodus from Egypt (Mitzrayim)—the holiday of our freedom. What is the meaning and relevance of this freedom for us today?
Explore the deeper mystical dimension of the Passover Seder. Join Rabbi Zushe Winner for an eye-opening analysis of Matzah and the Seder-plate, uncovering their deeper significance and powerful message to make this year's Seder an exhilarating experience.
We explore five major segments of the Pesach seder that, when examined properly, totally revolutionize how we understand the story of Exodus and its message on the seder night.
Why three matzahs and four cups of wine?
The Kabbalah of the matzah and wine at the Passover Seder. Men, women and the dynamics of redemption. Explore the deeper understanding of why we have three matzahs on the Seder plate and drink four cups of wine. (Based on Lukutei Sichos vol. 26, Parshas V...
A Pesach Thought
To teach someone how to act G-dly, you must help them understand that they are G-dly.
An honest reflection on Passover's relevance 3,000 years later
A short and powerful message on the Festival of Freedom’s profound meaning to us today.
Matzah, Maror and the 4 Cups talk about themselves, what they bring to the Passover seder, and their childhood experiences.
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