
Noah Becomes Drunk

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A man chosen by G‑d to be the father of all mankind was taking to the bottle like some degenerate in a corner pub?
When your fellow is but a mirror of yourself, and when he's actually a window...
Is it always the case that when you see a flaw in someone else it is actually your own flaw you are seeing? Must that always we so? A look at the story of Noah's drunkenness holds the key to the answer.
Noah sought to rebuild the world based on a new paradigm. He conceived of a more wholesome ideal—freedom from self-consciousness. With the best of intentions, Noah chose intoxication as his means . . .
This week: We can learn from Noach's family how to act and how not to act: casting judgment accomplishes nothing; it's the deed that matters...
The weekly reading that speaks of Noach, as interpreted in Chassidus, contains several psychological insights which are highly relevant today. As we all know, the best psychology is found in the Torah (because HaShem is the best psychologist; as the Torah...
An Essay on Noach
Ascending in holiness is not a simple matter. It involves an intrinsic danger, to which Noah fell prey. When one is occupied with a world that is entirely holy, he lives in it alone, and he is liable to forget that there are other people that exist in the...
The reality that presented itself to those who emerged from the ark after the flood must have been surreal, if not horrific. Still, their behavior and the ensuing events are puzzling. Why was Noah’s first order of business to plant a vineyard, make wine a...
Noach plants vineyard and gets drunk
Noach plants vineyard and gets drunk, he curses cannaan, and blesses shem and yapeth.
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