Nissan, Month ofKnowledge Base » Calendar, The Jewish » Nissan, Month of
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Nissan, Month of: the Hebrew month in which Passover falls; mandated by the Torah to occur in the spring.
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It is in this month that we celebrate the eight-day holiday of Passover.
Everything about the Jewish people from its emergence on the holiday of Passover to its destiny is nothing short of a miracle.
The Kabbalah of the Jewish months
Learn the mystical dimension of the Jewish month embedded in its Hebrew name, mazal, tribe, attribute and more. The Hebrew zodiac for Nissan is “tleh” (ram), a.k.a. Aries.
The significance of Nissan as the first month of year
In reconciling the different opinions of our Sages regarding the creation of Adam and Eve – Nissan or Tishrei – this class brings to light the essential and critical role of women in bringing about Redemption. (Based on the Maamar 'Hachodesh Hazeh Lochem'...
The Month of Nissan vs. the Month of Tishrei
Our Sages differ regarding the month that marks the beginning of creation. They also debate the month in which redemption will come. This class reconciles their views and provides critical insight into the divergent forces that must combine to redeem the ...
Creating yourself from the inside out
In the Talmud, Rabbi Eliezer says that the world was created in the autumn, in the month of Tishrei, while Rabbi Yehoshua says that the world was created in the spring, in the month of Nissan. What are the two different “creations,” and how do they corres...
In all other such miracles, our enemies were killed by G-d; here, our enemies killed each other.
In all other such miracles, our enemies were killed by G-d; here, our enemies killed each other.
In the month of Nisan, both in nature and in the soul, new life force and potential is about to manifest.
In the spring equinox month of Nisan, both in nature and in the soul, new life force and potential is about to manifest.
The Month of Our Redemption
About the Jewish Leap Year
The Jewish calendar normally consists of twelve lunar months. A lunar month—from the moment when the crescent new moon appears until it disappears once again—is roughly 29.5 days. Twelve lunar months equal 354 days, eleven days less than the solar year. T...
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