Pidyon HaBen |
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Pidyon HaBen: Redemption of the (firstborn) son. The ceremony wherein a firstborn male born to Israelite (non Kohen or Levite) parents is redeemed from a Kohen, in exchange for 5 silver coins, 30 days after his birth.
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Redeeming the Firstborn Son
Pidyon Haben: We are commanded to “redeem” firstborn sons after they reach 30 days of age. What is the significance of this rite, and how is it done?
The inner meaning of pidyon haben
Who would ever even consider keeping the money instead of their precious child, G‑d forbid? But when you think about it, we can—often without even realizing it—sacrifice everything, even our child, for some silver . . .
Firstborn Son for Sale!
Ever since the Golden Calf debacle, all male Israelite firstborn must redeem themselves in a pidyon haben ceremony from a descendant of Aaron, a.k.a a kohen.
Extra care must be taken regarding new entities
Extra care must be taken regarding new entities
Study the daily lesson of Sefer HaMitzvos for day 142 with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, where he teaches the mitzvah in-depth with added insight and detail.
The Mitzvah of Pidyon HaBen
After thirty complete days, we redeem the firstborn son through giving five silver coins to the Kohen in the boy’s stead. Understanding the mitzvah of Pidyon HeBen on five levels.
Practical Parshah - Vayeishev
Rachel's firstborn son, Joseph, being sold into slavery as a source for the mitzvah of monetarily redeeming the firstborn son of a Jewish woman.
This lecture surveys some of the laws and customs on the mitzvahs of circumcision and the “redemption of the first born.”
This class provides a thorough understanding of the mitzvah of redeeming the firstborn son.
The "Pidyon Haben"
The mitzvah of pidyon haben is to redeem the firstborn son by giving a Kohen five silver shekels when the boy becomes a month old.
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