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The Jewish View of Abortion
The question of abortion is perhaps one of the most sensitive and charged topics in the political sphere.
With a new baby on the way, how would they survive? An abortion was inconsistent with their traditional values, but they felt there was nothing else they could do. They feared for their future...
Question: I just found out my unborn baby will have Down syndrome. We already have our hands full our other kids. What will happen to the baby's soul if we abort it? Are we wrong for not wanting a child who is not perfect? Response: You ask whether it's w...
Dudu shared with us this special story: More than half a century ago, a young woman who was in her late stages of pregnancy was devastated to hear her doctor's verdict. "You must terminate the pregnancy," he sternly warned...
Is Guilt Good?
I know that I can't reverse what I have done, but is there some way to alleviate my burden? Or must I resign myself to carrying the guilt with me all my life?
Our site receives hundreds of letters each week. Among the questions we received recently, one stood out: "I became pregnant a few weeks ago… I already have several small children, and I cannot care for another baby… Can I pray to G‑d to terminate the pre...
Question: I became pregnant a few weeks ago. I already have several small children, and I cannot take care of another baby . . . Can I pray to G‑d to terminate the pregnancy? Answer: I understand your predicament very well. Thank G‑d, I am a mother of fiv...
"What is it?" he snapped. In the Bronx, it's proper etiquette to snap when greeting someone. I noticed the loaf of rye bread sitting on the table, definitely not a traditional Seder food. I said, "The Rebbe sent me."
A Couple's Heartwrenching Struggle
I see her beautiful and content... but she says it's no more than her facade. There on that ground, soaked through with tears of joy and despair, she adds her own
“I have a friend called Sarah,” said the woman on the other end of the line. “She’s pregnant and says she can’t afford another child, so she decided to have an abortion . . .”
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