
Shushan Purim

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Shushan Purim: Purim as observed on the fifteenth of Adar, instead of the fourteenth, in certain cities (including Jerusalem) that were walled in ancient times
When Jerusalem Celebrates
Held on the day after Purim, "Shushan Purim" is when residents of Jerusalem and other ancient walled cities celebrate this joyous holiday.
The Megillah is officially read four times in 16 cities in Israel, including Safed, Hebron and Tiberias
The Megillah is officially read four times in 16 cities in Israel, including Safed, Hebron and Tiberias
Insights in to the city of Shushan which celebrated Purim for an additional day; also featuring tales of cities that celebrate their own personal Purim victories.
When king Achashverosh gave permission to the Jews fight off their enemies, he allowed an extra day for those in Shushan. The day after Purim, called Shushan Purim, is celebrated to mark this special phenomenon. In a sense this is more than just an histor...
Brush up on your Purim facts with this fun and simple quiz!
What message can I take from the celebration of Shushan Purim in my beloved Jerusalem, thousands of miles away? Is it my holiday, or am I merely a bystander while Jerusalemites are making merry?
Purim, 5741
The Rebbe draws lessons from how Jerusalem celebrates Purim that coincides with Shabbat, seeing special relevance in the light of the unifying nature of the Hakhel year.
By the Grace of G-d Erev Purim, 5741 Brooklyn, N.Y. To All Participants in the Chanukat Habayit of the New Synagogue "The Persian Jewish Center of Brooklyn" Greeting and Blessing: I was very pleased to be informed of the Chanukat Habayit of the New Synago...
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