
Morning Blessings

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Morning Blessings
Wisdom from the hole of a bagel: Start with the knowledge that you are nothing, and your bread will always satisfy.
This is quality time spent honing my emotions, refocusing my mind, reinvigorating my trust, and readjusting the compass of my life. By the time I’m through, I can feel spirituality pulsating throughout my being...
Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 5
In this lesson we examine the succession of morning blessings, which express our thanksgiving for many special gifts we’re granted on a daily basis. We also don’t shy away from openly discussing the more controversial blessings at the end.
Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 4
In this lesson we probe the deeper meaning of the blessing ‘Elokay Neshamah’, which acknowledges and thanks G-d for granting us life and a divine soul. We then proceed to explore the subsequent morning blessings of gratitude.
1. The benediction מתיר אסורים (“He that frees the captives”) comes before the benediction זוקף כפופים (“He that raises the bowed down”). But if one erred and said the latter first, he need not say the former. 2. After the benediction המעביר שנה מעיני (“H...
The morning blessings thanking G-d for the land upon which we tread, our steps that G-d directs, for taking care of all our needs, girding us with might, and crowning us with glory.
A deeper understanding of the morning blessings; thanking G-d for keeping us upright, clothing us and giving to the weary strength and energy.
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