Abstinence |
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Abstinence (6)
Abuse (52)
Action; Deed (229)
Ambition (32)
Anger (115)
Apathy (24)
Bigotry (3)
Bittul (81)
Blame (11)
Charisma (1)
Chutzpah (9)
Commitment (38)
Compassion (61)
Complaining (9)
Contrition; Apology (11)
Courage (47)
Courtesy (3)
Cowardliness (3)
Cynicism; Skepticism (25)
Dependability (4)
Depression (69)
Desire; Will (38)
Despair (8)
Dignity; Respect (30)
Efficiency (2)
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Enthusiasm (19)
Envy (18)
Excuses (15)
Faith (410)
Fear; Awe (46)
Forgiveness (80)
Gratitude; Appreciation (123)
Guilt (36)
Hate (17)
Heroism (10)
Honesty (48)
Hope (25)
Humility (142)
Hypocrisy (27)
Idealism (2)
Inspiration (45)
Integrity (10)
Intuition (1)
Jealousy (25)
Joy; Happiness (303)
Laziness (3)
Love (198)
Mind and Heart (54)
Moods; Moodiness (9)
Nerdiness (1)
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Passivity (6)
Patience (2)
Pride (32)
Procrastination (13)
Racism (5)
Regret (15)
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Responsibility (44)
Sadness; Grief (80)
Self Fulfillment (32)
Self Improvement (221)
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Sincerity (10)
Stress; Anxiety (74)
Stubbornness (9)
Temptation (46)
Trauma (6)
Trust (26)
Violence (30)
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Abstention is a humbling admission of defeat – "There's something in the world that G‑d created for a purpose; other people are capable of using it for that purpose; I cannot."
Something Spiritual on Parshat Kedoshim
Is spirituality at odds with the physical world?
When we become addicted to a particular indulgence, we must wean ourselves from the addiction by abstaining completely until we have recovered.
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