
Postponed Brit

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Parshat Vayeira
The proper date and time, the laws of a Shabbat brit, a list of honorees, and a to-do preparatory list.
To whom do the millions of adult Jewish males who never had a circumcision turn?
Recently, you have been thinking a lot about Judaism. You buy a book at the corner book store and over the next few weeks you read, learn, discover. Then, like a flash, you realize that something has been missing all these years…a circumcision.
The steps taken in order for the circumcision to go smoothly, and be as painless as possible
How Important is Time? The time for the mitzvah of circumcision is the eighth day after birth, as it is written:Vayikra 12:3. "On the eighth day, you shall circumcise the flesh of his foreskin." If a child is not circumcised on the eighth day, the act may...
Who performs the circumcision? How does he prepare?
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