Rosally Saltsman |
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Rosally Saltsman offers Creative Consulting sessions via Zoom, providing creative, out-of-the-box solutions to people's personal and professional opportunities and challenges. She is the author of Bashert - Inspiring, True Stories About “Finding” Your Soulmate. Her new book: 100 Life Lessons I've Learned So You Don't Have To is available for purchase in both hard copy and digital formats. Rosally's books are available on Amazon.
Most people aren’t looking for solutions for their problems; they are looking for understanding and validation of their pain.
When we’re away, we are more willing to entertain different perspectives. We are friendlier, less judgmental and more open-minded.
We often say, “I don’t have enough time/money/energy” for that. Whatever that is. But that’s a misleading thought.
You can always find something nice to say about a person if you play detective and look good and hard.
What about the things that you achieved that weren’t on your list?
There are so many commandments! Each one is so full of intricate details. So much to learn and do. Where do you start?
Try following these rules and the honeymoon need never end.
Since one of the focuses of Tu B’Av is marriage, think of someone who isn’t yet married. You can get together with a few people and brainstorm possible matches, shidduchim.
Much of our friendship was based on our working together and now she’s going to cut ties with me.
Many of us review our year and consider what we have done that requires atonement. But perhaps we should also be reconsidering our inaction—our not doing something—and how we can remedy that.
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