Bedtime Shema |
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How to go to sleep to be awake
Where will your head be in the morning? Wherever you left it the night before.
All’s Well That Ends Well
We all know that how we slept at night determines a lot of how we perform the next day. That’s one good reason to get into the “Bedtime Shema” routine . . .
Pack your bags. Actually, unpack your bags.
Everything you need for sweet dreams and a fresh lease on life every morning.
Didn't we just say it in Maariv?
Shema is included in the evening service. Yet the Talmud states that before one goes to sleep to sleep, he should recite the Shema. Why?
Question: Now that it’s summer and I don’t have school, I’m having difficulty getting up in the morning. I know I should be going to synagogue each morning, but I always end up rolling over and waking up after 12 PM. I’ve tried going to sleep earlier, but...
The full bedtime Shema according to Chabad custom, courtesy of Kehot Publication Society, with vowelized Hebrew and full English translation.
Watch an art video showing how to make a beautiful painting of the bedtime Shema prayer.
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