
Action; Deed

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A Taste of Text—Beshalach
Inspiration alone is insufficient. An awakening must be followed by action, or doubt can easily neutralize it.
A Taste of Text—Bo
The catalyst for any awakening is action. Transformation begins as soon as we are ready to take the first step in the right direction.
Haazinu Parshah Report
Rabbi Kadoozy astounds the scientific community with this rare satellite footage of planet earth.
The small cruse of oil
Feeling enslaved by your busy schedule? Yearning for inspiration? The story of a small cruse of oil and a message on how to find greater meaning in your life.
My children's reaction to a terrorist attack made me wonder--can any of us really make a difference?
Deed vs. creed. Action is what matters.
Cruel intentions often lead to cruel actions. Yet the goodness of actions cannot be judged from their intentions. (Parsha Perks | Pinchas | with Dr Michael Chighel)
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