
Abraham Visited by Angels

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Reading the Torah, I noticed that when the angels, disguised as travelers, visited Abraham, he served them "butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared." Isn't this a violation of the prohibition against eating meat and milk together?
Somehow, Abraham managed to notice these three strangers in middle of communing with the Almighty!
Receiving often has strings attached. Often, recompense in terms of gratitude and a feeling of indebtedness are expected. So is it wise to be on the receiving end?
Something which is holy is also protected and, to a certain extent, hidden...
A deed that reaches backward and forward in time to embrace all that enables it and all that results from it, to include them all in an encounter with G-d...
It was while backpacking around Europe that I first appreciated that the spontaneous hospitality practiced among Jews, which I had hereto taken for granted, was in reality truly exceptional. The friend that we had been relying on to provide Shabbat accomm...
Faced with a choice between listening to G‑d, and offering hospitality to human beings, Abraham chose the latter.
Sarah was the wife of Abraham, and the first of the four matriarchs of the Jewish nation. She is widely referred to as Sarah Imeinu, “Sarah Our Mother.” Along with her husband, the Patriarch Abraham, Sarah was instrumental in teaching thousands of people ...
Parshah Curiosities: Vayeira
When did the extra-terrestrial angels visiting Abraham come and go? A closer look at the storyline seems to pose conflicting accounts. Learn some of the related commentaries on the nature of this visit that will challenge the conventional understanding.
Pasha Vayeira
Did the angels who visited Abraham actually eat or just pretend to eat? Is one supposed to follow local custom or just make an appearance of doing so? The Midrash and the Talmud give two different answers. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 36 p.172)
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