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Pur: (lit. "lots"), the lots that Haman cast to determine the date of his proposed annihilation of the Jews
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Pur (5)
The Holiday of Purim
The festival of Purim is named after the lots that the wicked Haman casted to determine the “best” date to carry out his evil scheme. In the end, however, the date proved to be propitious for the Jews. What is the connection between a lottery and Jewish s...
Haman and Amalek both used the same failing strategy. What was this plan, and why did it fail?
Why is this seemingly trivial detail of Haman's plot magnified to the extent that the holiday is named after it? And why is the holiday given a name drawn from the Persian language?
Logically, fasting was the very last thing Esther should have done! Surely, she should’ve tried to look her very best and make a favorable impression with the drunken, degenerate despot.
Which famous biblical personalities had noteworthy birthdays? Starting with the first created humans, we chronicle some of the historic Jewish birthday moments.
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