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Abstinence (6)
Abuse (52)
Action; Deed (229)
Ambition (32)
Anger (115)
Apathy (24)
Bigotry (3)
Bittul (81)
Blame (11)
Charisma (1)
Chutzpah (9)
Commitment (38)
Compassion (61)
Complaining (9)
Contrition; Apology (11)
Courage (47)
Courtesy (3)
Cowardliness (3)
Cynicism; Skepticism (25)
Dependability (4)
Depression (69)
Desire; Will (38)
Despair (8)
Dignity; Respect (30)
Efficiency (2)
Ego & Selfhood (145)
Empathy; Sensitivity (87)
Endurance; Survival (54)
Enthusiasm (19)
Envy (18)
Excuses (15)
Faith (410)
Fear; Awe (46)
Forgiveness (80)
Gratitude; Appreciation (123)
Guilt (36)
Hate (17)
Heroism (10)
Honesty (48)
Hope (25)
Humility (142)
Hypocrisy (27)
Idealism (2)
Inspiration (45)
Integrity (10)
Intuition (1)
Jealousy (25)
Joy; Happiness (303)
Laziness (3)
Love (198)
Mind and Heart (54)
Moods; Moodiness (9)
Nerdiness (1)
Optimism & Pessimism (57)
Passion; Zeal (28)
Passivity (6)
Patience (2)
Pride (32)
Procrastination (13)
Racism (5)
Regret (15)
Resentment; Revenge (21)
Responsibility (44)
Sadness; Grief (80)
Self Fulfillment (32)
Self Improvement (221)
Self Pity (7)
Self Sacrifice (157)
Shame; Humiliation (33)
Sincerity (10)
Stress; Anxiety (74)
Stubbornness (9)
Temptation (46)
Trauma (6)
Trust (26)
Violence (30)
Waiting (9)
Yearning; Striving (16)
Rescuer of the Children of Warsaw
Almost as soon as the Nazi occupation began, Irena began making forged documents for Jewish friends. She also offered food and shelter to the increasingly persecuted Jewish population. Then, in 1940, she witnessed the imprisonment of nearly 500,000 Jews i...
It would have made most sense for Sandra Samuel to get out of there as quickly as possible. But she didn't. She couldn't. Little Moshe'le was calling her name...
This past Friday, the Reader's Digest magazine announced its "2008 Hero of the Year." Every month the periodical features a heroic individual. At the end of the year, the readers are asked to choose the individual whose heroic act stands out from the rest...
A Modern-Day Matriarch
My parents taught me that if the Jews want to keep the Land of Israel, then we must fight for the Land of Israel...
The Journey of a Survivor
In one corner stood a multitude of canes and walking sticks. This was the first of many visits with Yetta, an eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor. We sat down on her patterned couch, and soon, she began to talk...
When we ask heroes from where they got the strength to do incredible things, they give lousy answers. Inevitably, their answer is “I had to do it” . . . Regardless of their level of articulation, they cannot come up with any good reason for why they did w...
It appears in his last book, Moses and Monotheism, a strange work if ever there was one. It was published in 1939, by which time Freud had taken refuge in Britain . . .
The fearless few who throw caution to the wind and heedlessly plunge into every offered challenge are indeed strange exceptions to our race. So where do all our heroes come from?
Come to think of it, the idea of a "moment of truth" is almost an oxymoron. If it's true, shouldn't it always be that way?
A Lesson From Abraham on How to Stand up for Others
When the car flips, or flames leap from a crumbling home, there are those ordinary people who do extraordinary things. What is the process?
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