Yossy Gordon |
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Rabbi Yossy Gordon was born in Worcester, MA, and serves as Executive Vice President of the Chabad on Campus International. Rabbi Gordon makes his home in Miami Beach, FL, with his wife Rochel and their six children.
A chassidic story on seizing the opportunity to help another
Recounting the daunting challenges to establish Torah in foreign places
A chassidic tale on two approaches to life
A chassidic tale on the source of arrogance
A chassidic tale on pursuing purpose and personal gain
A chassidic story on the power of trust in G-d
A Chassidic story about the power of a farbrengen
Short stories with meaningful messages
Rashbatz served as the childhood tutor of the sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880–1950). One of the stories he particularly enjoyed telling his young charge had an important lesson . . .
Explaining netilat yadayim in the morning
I noticed the kids washing their hands by the bed in the morning. This seems like a crazy ritual to be done right near the bed, could you enlighten me?
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