
Teshuvah ("Return"; Repentance)

Knowledge Base » G-d and Man » Teshuvah ("Return"; Repentance)
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Teshuvah ("Return"; Repentance): (lit. “return”); repentance, return to a Jew’s true essence
A thick cloud then covered the Sanctuary. In fact, on account of the cloud, Moses himself was unable to enter the Sanctuary. After all the effort which had gone into building it, it was inaccessible . . .
There is a brewing political situation, which may or may not develop into a scandal. But it's the cover-up that sinks them every time...
For an informed reading of Isaiah 43:21–44:23
“Who would fashion a god or a molten statue that has no purpose?”
How does fulfilling one commandment atone for transgressing another?
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