
Teshuvah ("Return"; Repentance)

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Teshuvah ("Return"; Repentance): (lit. “return”); repentance, return to a Jew’s true essence
We can’t tell you how to feel regret or resolve; it’s just something that happens inside. But we can give you a few tips on how to clean up the mess a mess-up leaves in its trail.
Thirteen essays and stories that explore the what, why and how of of the most powerful force known to man--the power of self-transformation
Is It a Mitzvah to Do Teshuvah?
Three perspectives on the definition of Teshuvah and the role of confession. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 38, parshas Naso, sicha 1)
A Taste of Text—Ki Tisa
When one partner betrays the other, for reconciliation to occur, each must feel that “we are so connected that you mean more to me than whatever it was that you did.”
There are far better ways to spend Yom Kippur than being sucked into a black hole.
Why waste the holiest day of the year dwelling on everything you messed up?
How do you know when you have been forgiven? Or does the guilt just go on and on?
How on earth can sins become merits? Sins are despicable deeds in the eyes of the One who made you. So, now you regret them. How can your regret today reach back and transform something written solidly in the record of the past?
Once I've made a mistake, can it ever be retroactively un-done?
Xtreme gardening reaches new heights as Rabbi Infinity learns a great strategy called "overseeding"--and it works for people-gardens, too.
I've said it many times and let me repeat: The Master of the Universe not only talks to Himself, He talks to figments of His holy imagination. Not only that, those figments of His holy imagination talk back to Him. And He listens...
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