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I find the parallels between protecting ourselves emotionally and the guidelines for protecting oneself physically to be amazingly similar . . .
Everyone deserves to be physically, emotionally and spiritually safe at all times. This is not necessarily something we are taught, but it has profound implications for the choices we make in life. It is also the fundamental first principle to internalize...
If the Torah tells us to fence in dangerous rooftops, obviously we need to deal with other potential hazards as well. The Jewish sages provided a few examples . . .
Talking to children about personal safety
Expert educator Rabbi Yakov Horowitz addresses parents’ concerns about how to best protect their children. Moderated and hosted by Rabbi Mordechai Shain, executive director of Lubavitch on the Palisades.
A Word from the Police Chief and Q&A
Chief of Police Michael P. Bruno of Tenafly, NJ, addresses parents and takes questions along with expert educator, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz. Moderated and hosted by Rabbi Mordechai Shain, executive director of Lubavitch on The Palisades.
Parshat Massei
The Torah considers one responsible for safeguarding one's own as well as others' health and wellbeing. Presented here is a partial collection of laws pertaining to guarding the life and health of oneself and others.
These frightening statistics become a wake-up call to the mom's and dad's driving with kids on a regular basis. Being aware of proper car seat rules is a critical key to keeping your family safe...
Young children have difficulty discerning danger, so it is wholly the adult's responsibility to protect and establish preventative measures to assure their safety...
Am I entitled to act foolishly?
I had just pulled out of my parking spot and was fastening my seatbelt... What's next, fining consumers of heavy mayonnaise because of its high cholesterol content?
Here is a top-10 pre-summer checklist to help families get ready for vacationing...
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