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Question: I am Jewish and was introduced to Siddha Yoga in 1975. i was very involved with Siddha Yoga, even after I was introduced to Chabad. I was married to my Jewish husband in 1995. Recently, I have been conflicted. In quiet times, the Siddha Yoga man...
The Sages of the Talmud ask: “Why does G-d allow the sun and moon to exist, if they have become objects of idolatry?” They answer: The forces of nature are positive and beneficial; should God destroy His creations only because of the fools who worship the...
There was no longer this "prison" or "vessel" or "garment" of the body. There was no longer soul and body as separate entities. What I was experiencing was in contradiction with all the language that I'd read and heard through the years
3 questions to ask before beginning any meditation program
There are so many different schools of meditation. Are they all safe? Are they all kosher?
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