
Rosh Hashanah

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Rosh Hashanah: (lit. “head of the year”); the solemn New Year holiday, falling on 1 and 2 Tishrei, and beginning the ten Days of Repentance.
How the Jewish New Year is celebrated and what it tells us about every human being and our relationship to G-d.
One of the dominant themes of the Rosh Hashanah liturgy is the notion of G-d remembering His covenant with Man. But why the need to remember when He does not forget? This eye-opening class addresses the immanence and essence of Rosh Hashana.
Why is Rosh Hashana observed for two days in Israel? Why do we customarily eat a new fruit on the second night of Rosh Hashanah? How is the mystery of Rosh Hashanah expressed in a law regarding a simple egg? This class addresses the history, Halacha and K...
What happens when we sound the shofar on Rosh Hashanah? A comparison between the shofar sounded on Rosh Hashanah and the shofar of the Messiah. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's interpretation of an enigmatic passage from Isaiah.
The weekly portion from the Prophets
This class studies the text of the haftarah for the first day of Rosh Hashanah. The reading is from the beginning of the book of Samuel, which is the narrative of the Chana’s prayer for a child and the subsequent birth of her son Shmuel.
“Wow, he’s so deep,” we might say about someone we meet. What makes a person deep, and why is it important? In this talk, we explore the difference between the realms of matter and non-material reality, gaining tools to help us become deeper and more auth...
"And it will come to pass on that day that the great shofar will sound...” The prophecy goes on to describe the in-gathering of Jews 'lost' and 'dispersed' in exile, as they return to Jerusalem in the final redemption. This class will explore the profound...
How to prepare for a day of both judgment and coronation
Are you ready for an entirely different year?
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