
Global Warming

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Helping the Environment
If we don't take care of our world, our planet, our earth, who's going to? Are we going to leave it for our children and grandchildren? The who is you, the where is right where you live, the what is very do-able, and the when is now...
Listening to and reading all the predictions and prognostications of Global Warming can be downright depressing. Will we be saying goodbye to our world sometime soon?
What is our responsibility toward the environment? To what lengths must we go to protect open spaces or endangered species? And are we at fault for natural disasters?
Could global warming be a sign that the Messiah is about to arrive? I learned that the Torah predicts that in the future the “covering of the sun” will be removed, and wicked people will melt in the intense heat. Maybe this is describing the hole in the o...
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