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How an obsessed gamer taught me the meaning of life.
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The Torah commands us to “love G-d with all your heart”. The Hebrew word for 'heart' is spelled with an extra letter: the letter 'vet' appears twice. Our Sages explain that this means that we are to love G-d with both inclinations of the heart, the good (...
For some it's a war. Others win with love.
There’s a beast inside all of us. You’ve got to meet it eye to eye, in its own den.
Maamar: "Adam Ki Yakriv"
This discourse of the Alter Rebbe from Likkutei Torah explains how the animal offerings brought in the Temple symbolize the refinement of our own animal character.
Finally, in a dramatic denouement, Levi Yitzchak placed the tallit firmly back in its place and announced: “If you’re a chassid and a scholar, then you lead the prayers!” and stalked back to his seat near the side wall of the synagogue . . .
Question: I would like to know whether the "yetzer hara" or "evil inclination" is an equivalent term to "animal soul." I've seen these two terms used (seemingly interchangeably) in Jewish and chassidic literature to describe man's base desires. If they're...
We are taking those very same character defects that drove us far from G‑d and giving them right back to Him to do with as He pleases. It's not for us to try and determine which parts of us G‑d has use for.
There is the personal spiritual dimension of the kosher laws. The idea that some animals are kosher – which literally means "fit" and suitable – and others are not, tells us something about ourselves.
Question: What is the meaning of my name, Rebecca? Answer: Rebecca, or Rivka in Hebrew, was the second matriarch of the Jewish nation. Although she grew up in Padan Aram, amongst pagans, she remained righteous and pure. Our sages applied to her the verse ...
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