
Spiritual Arrogance

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Abuse (51)
Ambition (32)
Anger (115)
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Chutzpah (9)
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Fear; Awe (46)
Guilt (36)
Hate (17)
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Honesty (48)
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Racism (5)
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Be small, accomplish big things, enjoy life.
How to deal with anxiety and worry, depression and self-pity, nagging guilt, feelings of inadequacy and self-blame. Only once liberated from all the above can the soul soar freely.
Proverbial mice are even more ubiquitous than the physical furry variety. Distasteful intruders that scurry into our lives, leaving behind even more distasteful "droppings" and effects.
The chassidic masters see a simple needle as a metaphor for our lives--and a means of finding guidance of how and when to be strong or soft.
“Will I be able to do my job?” the Evil Side asked. “Will people really listen to me?”
Spiritual gluttony is no less selfish than the physical sort, and one who focuses solely on self-realization and self-fulfillment -- be it in the most positive and lofty sense -- is turning his Holy Temple inside out
The "That's How G-d Made Me" excuse, the "Sorry I Lost It" excuse, the "I'm Special" excuse, and the "What's the Use" excuse
Ready for a quiz? I selected a few quotes from recent campaign speeches by the two presidential candidates. Can you guess who said what?
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