G-d and ManKnowledge Base » G-d and Man
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What divorce teaches about marriage
Many of the Torah’s laws of marriage are derived from the passage (Deuteronomy 24:1–4) legislating divorce. Isn’t that kinda . . . strange?
Applying a law pertaining to employer-employee relations, the Rebbe asks: what are G-d's obligations toward us when we labor to fulfill the purpose towards which He placed us in the world?
Once you’ve rolled off the bed, how much of the “Modeh Ani” do you take with you? So you spent eight seconds admitting that you owe your life to G‑d. Does that really affect the rest of the day?
A mystical interpretation of the law of the "beautiful captive"
A basic principle of Jewish belief is that G‑d rewards us when we carry out His commands. G‑d will “do good to you, and give you length of days.” But does it always work like this?
Nemesis of G‑dliness
Amalek is the psychic and cosmic nemesis of all that is pure and G‑dly in man and in creation. How is he overcome? The key lies in a single word: “Remember.”
Does G-d pay His workers on time?
The Torah commands that a laborer's payment not be withheld even a day. G-d Himself, our Sages tell us, observes the very commandments He obligates us to fulfill. How then does G-d not immediately reward man for his/her service of Him, deferring man's rew...
According to the School of Shammai, if your spouse is unfaithful; according to the School of Hillel, a burnt supper is grounds; Rabbi Akiva says, "even if he found another more beautiful than she."
To what extent do Divine providence, free choice, and cause-and-effect intersect? Or do they?
On Fighting Ice with Ice
How do we fight inner coldness? Well, the most obvious antidote to ice is heat. With enough heat you could melt a glacier. But there's another way...
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