Mendy Kaminker |
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![]() “One of us is a thief! My lord, I’d like for you to have each of us swear that he didn’t steal the money. That way we’ll find out which of us is the thief!”
“This year we’re not going to allow even one mishloach manot (food gift) in the house,” Shira announced as Purim approached.
When the Soviet government nationalized the mill, they well knew that the Jews would not buy flour without the supervision of a recognized rabbi, so Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was asked to certify that the flour was kosher.
"What is the difference between the Torah that you learned from your uncle and the Torah that you now learn from our rebbe?”
Not waiting another moment, he jumped into the fiery depths of Gehinnom.
When she saw me, she began to cry and plead with me to rescue her. Apparently, these merchants had kidnapped her and were planning to sell her as a slave. I paid full price for her, brought her to my house, and raised her as if she were my own daughter.
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