Four Guardians, TheKnowledge Base » Torah, The » Halacha (Torah law) » Halachic Concepts & Issues » Four Guardians, The
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Four Guardians, The: A "shomer," or guardian, is someone responsible for an object belonging to another. The Torah describes four types of guardians, each with a varying degree of responsibility: 1) the unpaid guardian, 2) the paid guardian, 3) the borrower, and 4) the renter.
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The law of the "Four Guardians" as a model for the duties and priviliges of life
Rent, borrow, own, or maybe you just work here.
Do you rent, borrow, or own your life? Or do you just work here?
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Analysis of a manuscript written in Maimonides' own hand. How the structure of the law in draft form differs from the final text. Formerly on display in the exhibition, 'Marks Of Genius' in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 1
Analysis of a manuscript written in Maimonides' own hand. How the structure of the law in draft form differs from the final text. Formerly on display in the exhibition, 'Marks Of Genius' in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Was she allowed to confiscate it? If she was, is she responsible to reimburse me?
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