
Modeh Ani

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Modeh Ani: "I acknowledge..." prayer of thanksgiving recited immediately upon awakening in the morning
Gratitude in the Morning
This morning, G‑d chose to return your soul to your body and grant you once again the gift of life—a sure sign that there’s a little dark corner left in this world for you to come and illuminate. G‑d trusts that you are up to the task. Now verbalize it wi...
Step by step
The first words of your day are the trunk of the tree from which every branch of that day will grow . . .
Modeh Ani (“I give thanks”) is a brief Jewish prayer said every morning upon waking. It acknowledges G-d as the eternal King, who returns our soul every morning after sleeping.
Focused Intentions
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman provides a first entry into authentic and practical Jewish meditation. Taking us step by step through the words of the first morning prayer, providing imagery and concepts for mindful focus.
The meaning, depth and power of a simple morning prayer in the teachings of the Rebbe. A talk at 'One People, One Heart', an evening of tribute to the Rebbe in Seattle, WA.
'Modeh Ani' Revisited
How a Jew begins his/her day and what that tells us about the nature of a Jew and his/her mission in this world. An exploration of the four levels of reality.
The Modeh Ani Prayer
Just as eating a nutritious breakfast at the start of our day is important for our well-being, similarly the Modeh Ani prayer helps jump-start our spiritual day.
Mahadura Basra, sec. 1:6.Ibid.:5. Tehillim 16:8; see the interpretation of this verse at the beginning of Tzavaas HaRivash.Sefer HaSichos 5703, p. 7; HaYom Yom, entry 11 Shvat. Tehillim 115:5-6. Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe Rayatz, letter #1794, Heb. Vol. 6,...
A Taste of Text—Ki Tavo
In the myriad responsibilities of the daily grind, realize what most important to you and give it precedence.
I never really thought about the impact he made, until he wasn’t there....
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