
Torah, The

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Torah, The: (lit. teaching) (a) The Five Books of Moses (The Bible); (b) the overall body of Jewish religious teachings encompassing the whole body of Jewish law, practice and tradition
Life Lessons From the Parshah - Ki Teitzei
The Torah portion of Ki Teitzei contains 74 of the Torah’s 613 mitzvahs—27 positive commandments and 47 prohibitions—more mitzvahs than any other parshah. A portion so rich in mitzvahs is naturally filled with profound life lessons as well. One of the mos...
A story of a wild horse, an out-of-control young man, and its powerful message that can bring us all home.
To what extent do Divine providence, free choice, and cause-and-effect intersect? Or do they?
the punishment of 40/39 lashes. Continues with the laws of the wife of a married brother who dies without children. The laws of the assailant and then the laws of weights and measures. The portion ends with the law of remembering Amalek! (Ch. 25 verses 3 ...
The laws concerning widows, orphans, and converts. It continues with the laws of forgotten sheaves in the field in addition to laws about trees and vineyards. (Ch. 24 verses 18 - 22) (Ch. 25 verses 1 & 2) Begins with a statement of righteous justice and c...
The laws of taking collateral, kidnapping, Leprosy, are all discussed. In addition, not to take any collateral from the borrowers house. You must return a night garment each night. Not to withhold the wages of a worker. Each man dies for his own transgres...
The laws and thoughts that deal with divorce and marriage. (Ch. 24 verses 1 - 5)
The prohibitions of Prostitution. Also the prohibition of charging interest to a fellow Jew. The requirement to charge a Gentile interest unless they are destitute. Not to make vows to God and to fulfill all the promises that one makes even to people. and...
accepting converts from the Edomites and the Egyptians, but they reach full status only in the 3rd generation. The command to keep your camp free of anything that would cause the Divinity of G-d to leave. It finishes with the law of sheltering a runaway s...
The penalty for adultery. It then goes on to discuss the Betrothed Maiden, rape, and the unmarried girl. (Ch. 22 verses 22 -- 29) (Ch.23 verses 1 - 7) Begins with the law about marrying his father's woman. It continues with the law concerning mutilated ge...
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