Torah, TheKnowledge Base » Torah, The
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Torah, The: (lit. teaching) (a) The Five Books of Moses (The Bible); (b) the overall body of Jewish religious teachings encompassing the whole body of Jewish law, practice and tradition
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the essence of Jewish mysticism
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and the essence of Jewish mysticism
The Torah tells us that the Exodus from Egypt was conditional upon us ensuring that our weights are correct. Why is having proper scales such a big deal? Why are faulty weights worse than brazen daylight theft? There is a powerful message here about havin...
Hearing only half a conversation and drawing conclusions can be dangerous.
An Essay on Parshat Kedoshim
It is not for naught that the parshah is called Parshat Kedoshim. Holiness is undoubtedly a central motif in the parshah, throughout which expressions connected with holiness repeatedly recur. This holiness, however, has a surprising aspect. In books that...
An Essay on Parshat Acharei Mot
The cause of the sin was overfamiliarity with G‑d and His service.
Robbing is akin to slaying someone, but if the aggressor has remorse we let him off the hook!?
Can you simply call your struggling business colleague a “success story” and expect him to perform?
Take this quiz to see how well you know the parshah of Acharei-Kedoshim.
1. In the introduction to Parshat Kedoshim, Hashem instructs Moshe “Daber el kol adat B’nai Yisrael” — “Speak to the entire assembly of the Children of Israel.” Rashi comments, “This teaches us that this Torah portion was said at a gathering of the entire...
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