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As Jewish citizens of this land, we always look to the Torah for a deeper perspective and additional insight. What light does the Torah shed on the wonderful trait of thankfulness?
19 Kislev, 5745 • December 13, 1984
Imprisoned in Czarist Russia, the Alter Rebbe’s case was at the mercy of the most anti-Semitic officials of the most powerful country in the world. Miraculously, his acquittal was ordered by the Czar himself, and he was freed on Yud-Tes Kislev.
. . . and they find they have a lot in common.
Hi, America, I’m Thanksgiving. And I’m also Chanukah. Hold my hand. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now say, “Thank G‑d, we’re free.” Doesn’t that feel good?
In 2013, Chanukah and Thanksgiving will overlap for the first time in almost 100 years. Here’s how it works.
Gratitude happens when I go out of my comfort zone and into my growing zone.
Imprisoned in Czarist Russia, the Alter Rebbe’s case was at the mercy of the hostile officials of the most powerful country in the world. Miraculously, his acquittal was ordered by the Czar himself, and he was freed on the nineteenth of Kislev.
Carry Thanksgiving into Shabbat by swirling your leftover cranberry sauce into this sweet, homemade challah.
Discover the profound mystical secrets of gratitude in the Jewish tradition and how this fresh perspective truly enriches our lives.
A powerful story illustrates the importance of recognizing the source of our blessings and learning gratitude from the Torah.
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