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Yoma: lit. day of. Tractate of the Talmud which concerns itself with the sacrificial worship of Yom Kippur; accordingly, it serves as a source for much of our information concerning the structure of the Temple.
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Tractate Yoma discusses observances and rituals associated with Yom Kippur, primarily how it was celebrated in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The tractate concludes with a discussion of the significance of experiencing a nocturnal emission on Yom Kippur.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 17, Acharei (sicha 1)
A magnificent forum on tractate Yoma, which teaches about the unique status of the Kohen Gadol and a powerful insight into being Jewish.
Talmudic Tales: The Miraculous R. Chanina ben Dosa
In this mystifying tale of the Talmud we encounter the miraculous personage of Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa, who prays for the rain to cease. Learn the hidden meaning to this seemingly bizarre story.
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