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Shochet: (lit. "ritual slaughterer"); One who slaughters and inspects cattle and fowl in the ritually-prescribed manner, for kosher consumption.
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Shochet (9)
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A shochet must be learned in the laws of kosher slaughter and adept at sharpening and polishing his knives, known as shtellen ah chalef in Yiddish.
Only a Jew specially trained for shechita - a shochet - can perform shechita. He is required to study for a number of years and is examined, in theory and practice, in the laws of shechita, animal anatomy and pathology. He serves an apprenticeship with an...
He examines the organs and vessels immediately after severance by the shechita incision, to ascertain that the shechita was properly performed, this examination is visual and tactile (b'dikath ha'simanim).This integral part of the shechita process is requ...
Eventually, the stress affected the butcher, and he died broken-hearted and exhausted.
The thump of the bandit falling to the ground aroused the captive from his reverie. With the small amount of water he had, he managed to revive him from his faint.
Rabbi Yitzchak Kogan serves as rabbi of the Bronnaya Synagogue in Moscow. He is a former Refusenik and leading figure in the Soviet Jewish underground. Under the intrusively watchful eye of the Soviet authorities, it was most difficult to obtain Kosher me...
Stories from the Samarkand Jewish Underground
A shochet has the opportunity to draw his fellow Jews closer to Judaism. The Hebrew word “shochat – slaughter,” also means to “draw close.”
The month of Elul is a time for repentance and introspection before the coming of Rosh Hashanah. Yet there are some who use this time of year to chastise their congregations instead of inspiring them.
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