Korach |
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A whimsical one-minute recap of the portion of Korach, in which Korach leads a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, and ends up being swallowed up by the ground alive.
The notorious uprising led by Korach against the leadership of Moses and Aaron begs the question of what motivated such an illustrious spiritual individual to fall so low? Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 4 Korach.
A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
Am I loving you, G-d, the way you want to be loved?
A profound mystical exploration of the three Hebrew letters in the word Korach, which constitute a corrupted form of the holy letter Hei, and how this all relates to the fallacy of Korach’s argument.
What, precisely, was his issue?
When division becomes a virtue
Our Sages declare that Korach and his followers are the symbol of divisiveness that "will not ultimately endure"; whereas the dissenting views of Hillel and Shamai represent a virtuous difference of opinion "that will ultimately endure". But why would arg...
The weekly portion from the Prophets
Parshat Korach
Why were the sinful pans of rebellious mutineers transformed into a holy altar? Perhaps to teach us how to transform our perspective on how we view each other.
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