Yahrtzeit Candle |
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Yahrtzeit Candle: A twenty-four hour candle lit on the eve of the anniversary of a yahrzeit and on certain other occasions.
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Yahrtzeit Candle (6)
And when and how is it done?
We Jews light a whole lot of candles for the dead. What is the reason behind the candle, and when did the custom begin?
The yahrzeit is a special time to pray, remember the departed and do good deeds for the merit of the soul.
Question: I'm all confused. How many candles do I need to light before Yom Kippur and why am I lighting them? Response: On Yom Kippur we light (1) candles in honor of the holiday, (2) candles in honor of our deceased parents, (3) candles in the synagogue,...
There are those who say the following words while lighting the candle:...
Question: My mother's yahrtzeit (anniversary of death) falls on the 23rd of this month. This year the date falls on Shabbat. How do I go about lighting the yahrtzeit candle? Answer: The Jewish calendar day begins at sunset of the night beforehand, hence y...
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