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Lulav: the palm branch used during the festival of Sukkot for the mitzvah of the Four Species
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Why not just hold them together for a moment without moving?
What is the shaking of the lulav and etrog in six directions all about?
The Jewish definition of joy is anticipating the future. We are joyful because we are planning, through hard work, to have a future together...
Question: I've just learned the blessing that we say before taking the Four Species on Sukkot--and I have a question. Why do we say "Blessed are You … who sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning the taking of the lulav"? What happe...
Become a knowledgeable Four Kinds consumer!
For the adventuresome folks who wish to venture into the uncharted waters of the Four Kinds market, here are some basic guidelines and tips that, when followed, will allow you to be a relatively knowledgeable consumer.
On Sukkot we shake the lulav and etrog. Learn how to do this mitzvah of taking “the four kinds”.
The lulav represents Torah study, the pillar of our connection to the Divine.
How the Rebbe brought the mitzvahs of Sukkot to the streets
There was a time, just before World War II and for a few years after, when the wide and tree-lined boulevards of central Brooklyn were the domicile of the contented, upwardly mobile American Jew. Nothing was seemingly missing: Prospect Park, the sun-dappl...
Learn about this special mitzvah, which is performed every day of Sukkot (besides Shabbat).
Take this quiz to see how much you know about the Lulav and Etrog!
SECTION 645 Laws Relating to the Lulav. (1–21) [It is written:] “And on the first day, you shall take for yourselves the fruit of a beautiful tree, fronds of a date-palm, a branch of a braided tree, and willows of the brook.” Vayikra 23:40. As will be exp...
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