Kos Shel Brachah |
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Kos Shel Brachah: (lit. "cup of blessing"); the cup of wine over which the Grace after Meals has been recited
At the conclusion of Simchas Torah, the Rebbe distributes wine from the cup of the Afterblessing.
Following the festival of Simchas Torah, the Rebbe distributes from the wine of Havdalah to the Chasidim gathered.
Following the Havdalah ceremony after Passover, the Rebbe distributes wine from his cup, known as Kos Shel Bracha - Cup of Blessing.
The Rebbe distributes wine from the cup of the After-blessing, as chasidim sing a nigun honoring the Tefilin and Shabbos-candle campaigns.
The Rebbe distributes wine from his cup of blessing, following Rosh Hashana.
At the conclusion of Simchas Torah, the Rebbe distributes wine from the cup of the Afterblessing.
On the Shabbos following the holiday of Shavous, the Rebbe held a surprise farbrengen before Marriv, followed by distribution of Kos Shel Brocho.
Chassidim join together in singing the Jewish children’s classic “To Love a Fellow Jew” as the Rebbe distributes wine at the conclusion of Passover.
Chassidim sing the Russian version of “Who Knows One?” as the Rebbe distributes wine from the cup of the After-blessing. When a young girl sings along into the microphone, he gently reminds her to clap rather than sing, and stops the line of visitors to c...
The Rebbe distributes wine from the havdolah ceremony following Simchas Torah. A group of children from Morocco are heard singing among the crowd.
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