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Terumah: Seventh Torah portion in the Book of Exodus.
Explore the Rambam’s teaching on how the hiding of the Aron was part of the original plans in constructing the Beis HaMikdash. This sheds light on the eternity of the Holy Temple. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Beshalach, sicha 2)
A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
Soul Boost for Parshat Terumah
After being found everywhere, but dwelling nowhere specific for 2249 years, G-d has informed the Jewish people that he now intends to dwell amongst them. He'd like them to craft a mobile home so that he can move along with them through the Sinai desert. H...
If being an adult means being rational, then what does it mean to be a child? Does it mean being irrational? To the extent that religion involves the childlike gesture of “faith” (Emunah), it would seem to be an irrational, immature enterprise. Unless of ...
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on the Mishkan’s pegs for the courtyard curtains
The Rebbe shows us how Rashi’s description of the curtain hangings that formed the courtyard of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) also teaches us about a Jew’s mission to bring holiness to the world.
Something Spiritual on Parshat Terumah
A powerful insight on the nature of giving charity can be gleaned from the language the Torah employs regarding the contributions for the mishkan (G-d’s sanctuary).
Parshah Curiosities: Terumah
The eternal divine commandment to build a holy “House for G-d” was initially fulfilled with the mobile Mishkan of Moses—though the ultimate perfection of this mitzvah was only reached by the historic Jerusalem Temples atop Mt. Mariah. Yet, surprisingly th...
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