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Gematria: Hebrew numerolog: a tradition of interpreting biblical verses on the basis of the numerical equivalents of Hebrew letters.
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Gematria is the process by which numerical values are ascribed to the Hebrew letters.
Gematria is the process by which numerical values are ascribed to the Hebrew letters.
The Hebrew Letters
Learn about the Hebrew alphabet and its rich history.
We're fairly eclectic in our tastes and you might find us flitting between an ethical teaching, a play on words, a Chassidic interpretation, or a piece of numerology.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Nitzavim
The sages teach that the enlarged letter Lamed in Deut 29:27 "and He cast them into another land" hints to the purpose of exile. How is this connected to the fact that in the following verse, there are precisely 11 dots placed above 11 consecutive letters...
Decoding the Weekly Parsha
Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.
The numbers and letters of destruction and renewal
The mystical secrets hinted at by the numbers in the dates associated with the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem—the 17th day of Tammuz, the 9th day of Av, and the three weeks or twenty-one days between them.
Explore secrets embedded in the month of Adar and discover how to open ourselves to good fortune, with a special focus on decoding the meaning behind the associated Hebrew letters.
Behind his wickedness there is a story, a reason why he allowed his innocent soul to become corrupted and his pure mind twisted by lower tendencies. Identify the root cause, and then neutralize it...
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