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Gehinnom: purgatory, the spiritual realm in which the souls are cleansed from the blemishes brought about by their conduct while on Earth
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Gehinnom (15)
What Is the Jewish Belief on Hell?
Do Jews believe in Hell? I am not planning any trips there or anything, but I have heard conflicting reports about its existence.
Who isn’t terrified at the notion of being in a fiery furnace for all eternity?
Will I go there simply because I don’t observe the Shabbat, Jewish holidays or the laws of kosher?
What Really Happens?
Learn the real meaning of Heaven and Hell, the experience of the soul after a person passes on, and the concept of angels.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Nine, Section 1
Kabbalah explains how only men must reincarnate
I've committed a number of sins over the years; am I going to burn in Hell?
Everything about the Rebbe was pure kindness. Even his idea of “hell” was as kind and generous as could be: People have a misconception of Hell. Let me tell you what Hell really is. Hell is a spiritual place where everything that exists in our world exist...
"Gates of Reincarnation": Chapter Four, Section 7
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