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Beruriah: (2nd century CE) Daughter of Rabbi Hananiah ben Teradion, wife of Rabbi Meir. An extremely learned woman who was proficient in the Scriptures and would study three hundred halachot (Torah laws) daily; the sages would consult her on matter of halachah.
(2nd century)
It is not very often that we find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. Beruriah was one such exception, a great Jewish woman whose wisdom, piety, and learning inspire us to this day. Beruriah lived about one hundred years after the destruction of ...
Question: G-d chose to take away my dear son from me. Can I have my son back as a newly born son with G-d's blessings? Response: The MidrashMishle 31 tells the story of Bruriah, the wife of Rabbi Meir. The couple was blessed with two boys. Lively and brig...
Beruriah’s reaction to the death of her sons
Her two sons died suddenly on Shabbat, but she hid the fact from her husband until she found a way to comfort him.
Can women, too, reach great heights of scholarship?
If you find yourself interacting with people whose circumstances leave much to be desired, pray for them.
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