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Amos: A contemporary of Hosea, Isaiah and Micah, a wealthy man, he tended sheep and sycamore trees before G-d called upon him to prophesy in 621 BCE. His prophecies demand fair treatment of the poor and sincere worship of G-d. His calls for repentance were unwelcome in the Northern Kingdom of Israel and prompted calls for his banishment.
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Amos (4)
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The Life and Times of Amos The Prophet Amos lived during the long reign of King Jeroboam II. Jeroboam the son of Joash (not to be confused with Jeroboam the son of Nevat, the first king of the Northern Kingdom of the Ten Tribes) reigned over the Ten Tribe...
For an informed reading of Amos 9:7–15
Commerce was flourishing, and many Jews had made their way to riches. Spiritually, however, there was much to be desired.
Decoding the hidden messages
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