Salome Alexandra |
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Salome Alexandra: (d. 65 BCE) Hasmonean queen, sister of Simeon ben Shetach. After the death of her husband Aristobulus I, she freed his brother, Alexander Jannaeus from prison, and married him shortly thereafter, in accordance with the laws of yibbum. After her second husband's death, she ruled for nine years, during which the Jews prospered both politically and spiritually.
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One of the most outstanding Jewish women in our history was Queen Salome Alexandra. Salome Alexandra, the sister of Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach, the famous leader of the Sanhedrin, was the wife of the first Maccabean to take on the title of “king” since the ...
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The early Hasmonean rulers were righteous people who were careful not to assume the title of monarch. However, it is an old adage that power corrupts, and eventually the Hasmoneans usurped the throne, disregarding the tradition that only a descendant of K...
Queen Salome Alexandra
Have you ever hosted a dinner party, only to have your plans go awry? Well, you’re not alone. Learn about a Jewish queen’s creative solution that saved the party.
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