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Elisha: (a) (d. 663 BCE) Elijah's student and successor. Before ascending to heaven, Elijah granted him double the prophetic powers that he himself possessed. The Tanach records many of the miracles he preformed. Among them: purification of Jericho's drinking water, transformation of a single cruse of oil into many vessels' worth, resurrecting a dead child, and curing a Gentile general of leprosy. (b) A common Jewish name.
Elijah Goes Up To Heaven, Elisha Succeeds Elijah, Elisha's Miracles
For the Haftarah of Tazria, From the Teachings of the Rebbe
Be cognizant of the miracles in nature and the “small miracles” we experience every single day.
For an informed reading of the weekly Haftarah: I Kings 4:1-37
Overview Parshat Vayeira tells the story of the miraculous birth of Isaac. Although Abraham and Sarah could never naturally have children, G‑d gave them a child in their deep old age. Reflecting this, the haftarah recounts a similar miracle which was perf...
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Thirty-Two, Section 5
This is the secret of the children's mocking, who said to Elisha, "Go up, baldhead!"
Parshat Vayechi
Where to get buried: In Israel? Together with family?
The small cruse of oil
Feeling enslaved by your busy schedule? Yearning for inspiration? The story of a small cruse of oil and a message on how to find greater meaning in your life.
The story of Elisha from a Chassidic perspective.
Jehu Anointed, Joram's End, Jezebel's End
Famine and War, The Tables Turned, The King's Distress, The Four Lepers, Elisha's Prophecy on Syria
Timely Messenger, The Pot of Oil,Elisha and the Shunemmite, Elisha Sustains the Prophets, Elisha and Naaman, Naaman Cured, Gehazi's Avarice and Punishment, Further Miracles
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