
Red Heifer, The Mitzvah of

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Red Heifer, The Mitzvah of: offering made in Temple times as part of a process of ritual cleansing (discussed in Numbers 19:1-22)
An overview of the Parah Adumah from classical sources
Learn about the mysterious red heifer, which left even King Solomon, the wisest of all men, scratching his head in wonderment.
The Red Heifer is the single most incomprehensible commandment in the Torah. By the same token, it most accurately represents the most incomprehensible part of the soul.
A heifer is simply a fancy name for a young cow that hasn’t yet borne a calf. And the red is not ruby red.
We have a ritually pure red cow. According to the Temple Institute of Jerusalem it is healthy and completely kosher.
We have a ritually pure red cow. According to the Temple Institute of Jerusalem it is healthy and completely kosher.
Study the daily lesson of Sefer HaMitzvos for day 205 with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, where he teaches the mitzvah in-depth with added insight and detail.
A Taste of Text—Chukat
While devoting yourself to helping others, safeguard time for your own spiritual and emotional growth. Focus energy inward as well as outward.
Is there a limit to altruism?
Just because you are ready to completely sacrifice your own spiritual development in order to help others with theirs, that doesn’t mean that G‑d is ready to accept that sacrifice.
1312 BCE
On the 2nd of Nissan, one day after the inauguration of the Tabernacle, Moses prepared the very first Red Heifer, in order to ritually purify the Jewish nation in preparation for the bringing of the Paschal Lamb in the newly erected Sanctuary. Link: The D...
Moses was baffled when G‑d described for him the impurity contracted through contact with a corpse. Why?
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