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An introduction to genetic testing as applicable to the Jewish Community.
Supporting families with special-needs children
“If you have a child with special needs, you experience similar things, whether it’s grief over losing the dream of having a ‘perfect child,’ or dealing with challenging school systems and difficult grandparents and communities that make them feel exclude...
President of the Genetic Disease Foundation
Ten years ago this past March, my husband Jim and I lost our first born, Corey, to Neiman Pick (NP) Disease, a severe and currently incurable neurodegenerative disorder, at the young age of two and half...
The purpose of genetic testing is to allow for early detection, which in turn can lead to early intervention to prevent the onset of symptoms or minimize disease severity. Genetic testing has helped thousands prevent or prepare for hereditary diseases and...
Dor Yesharim--Working to Obliterate Jewish Genetic Disorders
After having several healthy children, they discovered that they were a carrier couple when their beloved son Mendel showed signs of Tay-Sachs in his infancy. He died after four years marked by hospitalization and suffering...
Question: I have a friend who is dating and does not want to get genetically tested because she says that "if someone is supposed to have a child with a disease they will have one, regardless if they get tested". Is getting tested a lack of faith? Respons...
How Much Do You Really Want to Know?
I didn't tell them about my other fear, the one that year after year keeps me from letting anyone perform genetic tests on me: The very real possibility that a doctor will peer into my innermost machinery and discover something wrong...
There are various choices and decisions that must be made for a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Here are three different women and their stories.
An introduction to breast cancer and the risk for Jewish women of Ashkenazi descent.
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